Wimbledon Square Developments
Wimbledon Square Developments Ltd (WSDL) are developing a proposal for a mixed-used scheme that includes reconstruction of the ticket hall building of Wimbledon Chase station. As part of the proposals, the station entrance is to be replanned so that the development and the station can coexist most efficiently. One of the matters raised by Merton Council through the pre-planning process is the opportunity for the reorganised station to provide step free access. WSDL appointed Trisha Chauhan Architecture (TC-A) to establish the potential and feasibility of such an addition.
TC-A establish various ways in which step fee access can be achieved, such that they can be compared for functionality, constructability and compliance before further consideration of construction and operational costs are determined. As the development proposals are continuing to evolve in response to other pre-planning matters, TC-A has considered options largely independent of the detail of the current development plans. The options are aware of the development zoning that places the new entrance against the north face of the station embankment, but also considers the layout of the existing station as this may be relevant in the construction phasing.
The options developed represent different approaches to the step free access route – either under or over the tracks, and with either compliant or non-compliant equipment (requiring derogations to Network Rail standards). The options have not sought to include any permanent non-compliances in respect of the passenger safety critical platform areas.
Wimbledon Chase Station Step Free Access Feasibility Study
Design Team:
Trisha Chauhan Architecture
Tony Meadows Limited
Vertex Engineering